
Browse through the entire QUPAQ Product portfolio and find the packaging solution that fits your production needs.

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Automate and ‘Uptimize’ Your Production Workflow

Tray Denesters

Discover precision and efficiency with the best, fastest, and most versatile Tray Denesters on the market.

Tray Loaders

QUPAQ offer a wide array of Tray Loaders to safely load your products into trays. With high speed, precision, and all the flexibility you need – now and in the future.

Tray Handling

QUPAQ’s food packaging expertise extends beyond denesting. We also automate the flow of trays and cases to minimize manual labor and maximize production efficiencies.


A Conveyor is more than moving products from A to B. Sometimes product loading can be done directly on the line. That’s Safe, Simple, and Scalable.

End of Line

Finish your packaging line with precision, reliability, and efficiency. QUPAQ’s robotics and intelligent software, ensure accuracy, speed, and adaptability with our End of Line equipment.

The future is here, and automation is no longer just a choice; it’s a necessity. At QUPAQ, we lead the way in denesting innovation, providing solutions that redefine the packaging process. Automation is not just about efficiency; it’s about precision, cost-effectiveness, reliability, and elevating the standards of hygiene and safety in food processing.

At QUPAQ, our product categorization aligns with the sequential workflow of a packaging line. The Tray Denesters mark the initiation of the packaging process, and we offer a diverse range of both electrical and pneumatic tray denesters and specialized Denesting Tools. Following our tray denesters comes our Tray Loaders to ensure efficient and precise product loading into trays. Subsequently, the Tray Handling and Packaging Conveyors becomes essential to correctly move and align the trays to get ready for the sealing phase.

After the tray sealing phase, we offer a wide range of End of Line equipment to ensure seamless ransitioning and packaging of the packed trays.

Explore all the categories above, and discover how our products help automate the future of packaging. 

Looking for a Denesting Tool?

At QUPAQ, we have multiple of denesting tools to acoomundate your trays. Or tools come in the following form factors:

  • ANYTRAY Cleanline
  • ANYTRAY LeanOne
  • INTRAY Smart

All of these are highly capable and have denested more than 2,500 different tray types. Our Denesting Tools are tailored for the job, so if you already have a denesting solution from QUPAQ, you can easily get a tool for a new tray.

QUPAQ Denesting Tools can denest plastic, aluminum, foam, paperboards and cardboard trays. We pride ourselves on being the world leaders in denesting innovation, and challenging trays pose no hindrance to us.




Pick and Place robots, palletizing robots and more…

How Can We Help?

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