We’re always on the lookout for people who can help our customers implement smarter ways to automate packaging solutions.

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See Our Job Openings
DK: Sales Support Specialist
DK: Produktionsplanlægger
You can send an open application to [email protected]
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Being part of something great
At QUPAQ, we value our employees highly – they are our most important resource. When joining Team QUPAQ, you become a part of a very special team with good team spirit, great humor and the best colleagues.
We always look for new ways to do things better. We strive for the best and believe that the best players are the ones who can see what the other team members are capable of. We work together across our departments and learn from each other. We rely on both good teamwork and individual performance. This enables us to reach higher goals – common goals.
Besides our commitment to the work, we also have room for fun comments, a good laugh and social activities with our colleagues. We can only perform our best, when having a good everyday working environment where we all love to be every day. If you can see yourself as being a part of all this, QUPAQis the place to be.

A strong culture
Working at QUPAQ
We love what we do. Precision and thoroughness are a natural part of our everyday life, but we never take it for granted, and we never compromise on quality. Only the best is good enough when we help customers streamline their food processing lines.
We always look for committed and dedicated colleagues that can make a difference and are ready to make an extra effort. We take pride in what we do, and we never let neither our customers nor colleagues down – we are here to help, and we take it seriously.
It is part of our values to contribute with enthusiasm and flexibility to creating value and achieving common goals. To us, unity and teamwork are founding pillars for a strong cooperation.