Learn more about the QUPAQ tray denesting and handling solution that’s right for you.
Denesting Trays for Cookies and Cakes
With INTRAY and ANYTRAY, you can denest trays for cookies, croissants, brownies, cakes, biscuits and other deliciously baked items in an efficient and hygienic way. QUPAQs deliver advanced denesting machines that are compact and easily integrated into your existing process line. They are designed to denest trays at the desired speed and with great precision and care. Every product is placed in trays, cups or boxes in exactly the same way and without damaging the bakery products.
User-Friendly and Hygienic Tray DenesterÂ
It is easy to clean all parts of both INTRAY and ANYTRAY, as the machines are built upon an open deisgn where all parts can withstand water and industrial cleaning. This hygienic design fully meets the high hygiene standards that exist in the food industry.
Choose the Right Tray Denester
Bakery products must be placed precisely and gently into trays, boxes or cups to avoid any kind of damage to the products. Also, it is important for food producing companies with effective tray denesters to maintain high production capacity without much downtime.
Our machines denests as many trays as the production line require and/or is capable of. And when there is a need for replacing the Denesting Tool to denest another type of tray, the production can be up and running in less than one minute. INTRAY and ANYTRAY are easy to work with and help streamline the process line.