INTRAY Smart Buffer – Servo

Automatic loading of trays with advanced INPRO Software. Denesting errors become a thing of the past – speed of more than 200 trays per minute.


INTRAY Smart Buffer – Servo

The INTRAY Smart Buffer – Servo is the ideal solution for a fast-moving production line or a line with little manpower available for tray refilling. The tray conveyor is built into the Smart Stand, which saves a lot of space and provides autonomy and automatic loading of new tray stack to the denester.

Smart Buffer – Servo is delivered with a custom-made Smart Tool. As in all INTRAY products, the Smart Buffer – Servo has an easy to use integrated programmable control unit and can be easily cleaned. You also receive the time-saving Smart Tool. Using the Smart Tool, changing to a different tray is done in less than one minute.

Servo driven denesting

Your denesting is controlled by servo – giving you complete control of every stage of the denesting and freedom from not being dependent on compressed air. The Smart Tool is constructed to make it suitable to the tough industrial cleaning requirements in any food processing plant of today. INTRAY Smart Buffer – Servo gives you high autonomy, high speed and a highly reliable denesting solution in a very small space – fast, easy and clean.

Version 2 software for Smart Buffer – Servo

With the new version 2 software for the Smart Buffer – Servo, denesting has never been more efficient. The new intelligent software will i.e. automatically provide correction at denesting errors, which cut back on line stops and operators having to solve denesting errors.

3 Reasons to Choose

INTRAY Smart Buffer – Servo


Intelligent handling of tray faults. Backup to USB. Multiple operator access control.


Tray conveyor is built into the machine providing automatic loading of new tray stacks to the denester.


The ideal solution for a fast-moving production line or a line with little manpower available for tray refilling.

Product Info

  • Up to 200 trays per minute (depending on tray)
  • Quick restart at line stops and tray errors
  • Intelligent handling of tray faults (automatic homing and restart after tray failures)
  • Backup to USB
  • Multiple operator access control (password or optional RFID access)
  • Create and store recipes
  • Line signal in-/output
  • View production statistics
  • Optimized reliability and uptime
  • Optional RFID scanner for each Smart Tool (auto scan for checking the correct Smart Tool)
Technical Specifications

Weight of machine

Approx. 215 kg

Power supply

1×230 V + N + PE

Full-load Current



50 Hz

Max short circuit current (Ik max)

6 kA

Steel quality

EN 1.4301, AISI 304


200 trays per minute

Tray size – max

325x265x90 mm (LxWxH)

Tray size – min

120x80x15 mm (LxWxH)

Power Consumption

0.25 kW

Infeed Height

1350 mm (+/- 200 mm)

Outfeed Height

1080 mm (+/- 200mm)


INTRAY Smart Tool

The Smart Tool is the heart of INTRAY. The denesting tool denests and transports the trays from the stack onto the conveyor band

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