Carsoe and Intech Agree to Join Forces

Carsoe has entered into an agreement to acquire all of the outstanding shares in Intech.

Press Release

Carsoe and Intech Agree to Join Forces

As of 6th October 2021, Carsoe has entered into an agreement to acquire all of the outstanding shares in Intech. Following completion of the acquisition, the two companies have agreed to consolidate the combined seafood activities at Carsoe and integrate all food activities relating to tray denesting technology at Intech. The former owners of Intech, Leif Carøe Andersen and Carsten Trudslev, will continue with their respective business responsibilities and as significant minority shareholders in both of the combined businesses.

The consolidation aims to sharpen focus and increase the capacity to significantly strengthen each segment’s market position and growth potential by leveraging the benefits of pooling investments in sales, service, and product development.

A Sharpened Focus Benefits Customers

The acquisition is a complementary fit and will benefit customers in both the seafood processing segment and the food denesting segment by addressing increasing customer demands for complete solutions from a full-line supplier.

The new consolidation enables Carsoe and Intech to further develop their industry-leading positions within the seafood and food segments and increase focus in both market areas. Both companies see the tremendous potential for further growth, expanded business operations, and opportunities to attract future talent.

Carsoe Continuously Seeks New Opportunities

Carsoe will strengthen its platform for continued growth by refocusing its business purely on the seafood segment, in particular broadening its product offerings in the smaller vessel segment and increasing market opportunities in existing and new markets both onshore and offshore. The combined goal is to continue exceptional service and deliver high-quality processing solutions to an expanded seafood customer base.

– “We are excited to join forces and to build an even stronger Carsoe seafood business. We are on a journey to becoming the largest global preferred supplier of onboard seafood processing systems,” says Carsoe CEO Hugo Dissing, who will continue his role in the combined seafood activities. – “On a personal level, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to bring together the highly experienced employees from Intech’s Seafood Division, hereunder the new colleagues that recently joined from KM Fish Machinery, with the employees from Carsoe. Together we will be even stronger. Both our companies share similar company cultures, and I look very much forward to the shared journey that lies ahead,” Dissing shares. KM Fish Machinery was acquired by Intech in June 2021 and is considered part of Intech’s Seafood Division.

The primary purpose of the combined seafood division is to develop, manufacture, market, distribute, and service equipment and complete solutions for handling, processing, freezing, and packing seafood.


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